+ 31 85 40 10 620 info@splintt.nl


LinkedIn & Boolean Training

question and solution

Jewebco BV wanted a digital learning platform to complement its classroom education and training.

“Jewebco BV investigated several providers before arriving at software developer Splintt. Splintt facilitated us perfectly in developing an eLearning specifically for making LinkedIn profiles of participants more findable in combination with Boolean search techniques.”

Splintt develops the digital framework for eLearning, Jewebco BV has filled the online learning programs for recruiters, consultants, ZZP-ers, account managers and organization consultants as well as job seekers.

Using the platform, students can, both individually and in teams, follow online lessons in Dutch or English, create mini-cases and then put what they have learned into practice via their ‘own’ LinkedIn account.

The practical online learning platform Philpaper allows the students to work with the practical teaching material 24/7. It consists of 2 modules, one specifically aimed at your own LinkedIn profile and the other which directly addresses the magic of Boolean search. A specific LinkedIn Recruiter account is not even necessary.

Interested? Get in touch with Jewebco BV.

Jewebco about Splintt

A partner who thinks along with you!

For us, Splintt is a party that actively thinks along with us. One looks through the glasses of an entrepreneur.

Both Splintt and Jewebco BV believe that an eLearning should be directly applicable to every student.

There is an overview by means of several modules and the platform is flexible to easily implement changes in a time when digital adjustments are commonplace.

Jeroen Snip
Trainer & Headhunter / Director Jewebco BV

Personal contact and fast!

Splintt is an organization that acts as a committed partner, thinks along with you to find the best solution and uses a high level of expertise in the process.

The contact is personal, friendly and incredibly fast! Do you have a question? You can expect an answer the same day.

A very pleasant partner who provides you with good and sound advice. Even if the questions are off the beaten path.

Leonie van Binsbergen – Gerritsen
LinkedIn trainer & Recruitment specialist

Are you looking for a solution to your situation?

Simply schedule a call or Zoom meeting with one of our eLearning experts. We’d love to show you more using a demo!

Or leave your question and we will contact you.