+ 31 85 40 10 620 info@splintt.nl

See our customer cases

from eLearning modules to online academies


The AITRAP was looking for an eLearning that would make Europeans more aware of the risks and dangers of Insider Threats.

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H2K online

For H2K online, we developed a digital learning platform, which is used to supplement its education and training programmes.

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Distance at work

A demo to make employees aware of the rules for keeping a distance.

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Market Abuse Centre

For the MAC, we set up an online platform with training for professionals, on insider trading and more…

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Jewebco wanted a digital learning platform to complement its classroom education and training.

view the customer case


To70 Aviation

To70 is a leading aviation consultancy and was looking for an agency that could help them digitise learning materials for employees at airports.

view the customer case


Your case here?

Looking for a agency that can help you develop eLearning?

View customer cases of online learning solutions we have created for our clients.

Are you looking for something similar, but different … Then be sure to contact us.