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eLearning for Insider Threat Prevention and Counter Terrorism

the question

Help2Protect is a product of the Aviation Insider Threat Recognition and Prevention (AITRAP) program. This programme is led by the Confederation of European Security Services (CoESS) and co-funded by the Internal Security Fund of the European Union (HOME/2015/ISFP/AG/BRN).

“We want to make Europeans, and especially those who work in critical infrastructure, more aware of Insider Threats. At the same time, we want to offer European companies tools to develop their own policies aimed at this specific threat.

The target group is diverse, both culturally and in terms of education level: from people in operations, such as ground staff at an airport, to managers of large international companies.”

AITRAP about Splintt

Topnotch collaboration

Without an effective ‘Insider Threat-programma’, European companies and organisations are vulnerable.

With Splintt and Philpaper, with Help2Protect we have created a powerful learning solution for all European companies within the critical infrastructure.

Hugo Lücke
Managing Director, Palmyra Aviation Advisors


You can Help2Protect

Every business or organization faces Insider Threats. Any person with inside information or access has the potential to harm an organization and its people. To mitigate this Insider Threat, every business or organization should have an Insider Threat Program.

To address the Insider Threat, it is critical that employees are aware of the Insider Threat. They are the eyes and ears of every organization. If they share their concerns, they can help protect the organization and prevent incidents.

In a 30-minute online training course, you’ll find out how you can help protect your organization and colleagues.

With a 3-hour online training program, we give you all the information you need to develop an effective Insider Threat Program for your organization.

Catherine Piana

Director General

Confederation of European Security Services

AITRAP project group

  • Confederation of European Security Services
  • Securitas
  • Securitas Transport Aviation Services
  • Securitas Transport Aviation Security
  • DHL Express
  • Palmyra Aviation Advisors

Help2Protect is an Insider Threat Program co-funded by the European Union.

Are you looking for a solution to your situation?

Simply schedule a call or Zoom meeting with one of our eLearning experts. We’d love to show you more using a demo!

Or leave your question and we will contact you.