+ 31 85 40 10 620 info@splintt.nl

100% customization

online learning solutions that fully meet the needs

Customized eLearning: modules, movies, VR …

Are you looking for an effective online learning solution for your target audience?

Based on your wishes, content and budget, we advise a good concept. We make it clear how we bring goals and learning experience together, which didactic principles we apply and which online learning forms lead to the best learning results.

With your experts on content and our eLearning specialists, we will come up with an end product you can be proud of and which participants will enjoy.


We dive into your question, analyze and discuss possible solutions.

Storyboard & design

We develop a storyline and create a style.


We work out the storyline and interactions in detail.

Media production

We create or edit the chosen media.


We bring parts together and test if everything works.


We deliver according to the specifications. Ready to use!

Interactive movie

In this eLearning module participants learn to recognize abuse of confidential and sensitive information. To train this skill, we use interactive film. Storyboard, design and media production 100% customised.

Real life cases

In this 100% custom module, actors put themselves in the shoes of colleagues and share stories that really happened. The participant chooses which scenario to follow first. Developed with Articulate Storyline based on a storyboard and custom design.


Complete learning solution

This eLearning tool consists of a module and a website. Everything in terms of design and storyboard is 100% custom developed. For the eLearning module we used Articulate Storyline. The website is fully html developed. The media produced consists of film with animation to illustrate cases and promotional material. We developed several trailers.



The participant moves across a playing field and completes challenges. Each challenge consists of a learning activity that fits the specific learning objective. If you complete a challenge, you will earn a badge.


We apply game principles to motivate the participant.

Brain learning

We optimize our solutions with the brain learning theory.


With text and images we make the progress explicit, which stimulates continuation.

Visually attractive

We use a fresh combination of text, image and sound.

Common thread

We take the participant into a catchy story, scenario or metaphor.


We develop learning solutions with the target group in mind.

a fine learning experience, that’s what we love

Are you looking for a solution to your situation?

Simply schedule a call or Zoom meeting with one of our eLearning experts. We’d love to show you more using a demo!

Or leave your question and we will contact you.