+ 31 85 40 10 620 info@splintt.nl

50% customization

online learning solutions based on formats

A product in 6 steps

If you want to develop eLearning quickly and at a lower price than 100% customization, we develop based on our formats and templates.

Based on the lesson material, we make a selection of interactions and learning forms that we have. We may even have customizable content ready. We approach your look&feel by adjusting colors.

In six clear steps we work towards a product. We guard the budget, but do keep it relaxed. Our added value lies mainly in creating a structure that “carries” a student from start to finish.

Empathize with the subject matter

We look at your teaching material and choose a suitable format.


We develop a storyline and set the tone.


We work out the storyline and interactions in detail.

Media production

We create or edit media such as photos and films.


We bring parts together and test if everything works.


Ready to use!

Fast and fun

For this solution, we opted for a simple didactic format and used Articulate RISE and stock materials. The colors are those of the client.


Simple, yet interactive

In this solution, we opted for straightforward knowledge transfer. Information is conveyed in a well-structured way using one of our standard concepts. The photo material is 100% custom made.



One of our template sets in Articulate Storyline forms the basis. A template set consists of ‘slides’ with interactions and already working functionality. That’s where the lesson material is written to.


Safe working

We used standard interactions and a proven didactical concept. Developed with Articulate RISE. However, with 100% customization for styling as an additional option.



This learning solution was also developed based on one of our template sets in Articulate Storyline. By adjusting the colour, you can quickly create your own look & feel, without the need for a lot of design work.

we look for a suitable solution to every question

Are you looking for a solution to your situation?

Simply schedule a call or Zoom meeting with one of our eLearning experts. We’d love to show you more using a demo!

Or leave your question and we will contact you.