+ 31 85 40 10 620 info@splintt.nl

Learning portals and landing pages

a website as an entry point for participants

Enlightening, fresh and accessible

Our learning portals are user-centric. We place all relevant information on a learning portal.

The learning portal offers direct access to free eLearnings and from the learning portal you can log in to a secure learning platform such as Philpaper LMS.


Information is displayed in a clear structure, completely focused on the target group.


A learning portal can be opened on any device, so you can learn anywhere.

Look & feel

The learning portal will be given its own styling, in line with the didactic concept and house style.

Reality Check

This learning portal offers information, a film explaining the learning programme, access to three eLearning modules with self-tests and a help function. In addition, it can be shared on various social media. Definitely a must to follow (for free).



This learning portal gives access to a free eLearning tool, available in Belgium and the Netherlands and in several languages.

For access to the teacher’s guide one can request a login. In addition, there are several pages with extra information available.



A free awareness eLearning is offered on this learning portal on Isider Threat Prevention and Counter Terrorism.

For the Program Development Training with in-depth information you can request a login.


Acting responsibly

This landing page also serves directly as an order page.


Learning to observe

This landing page links to a self-registration for an eLearning course.

a fine learning experience, that’s what we love