+ 31 85 40 10 620 info@splintt.nl

eLearning solutions for HR and L&D

train knowledge and skills efficiently with online learning solutions


At Splintt online training services, we develop custom eLearning solutions. From online modules with practical cases to interactive videos. Fully tailored to the practice of our customers.

Curious about examples that we have developed for other organisations?
Then schedule an online meeting with us.
We take you through the possibilities in 30 minutes.


knowledge level, onboarding and employee journey

Wherever people work: knowledge must be up to standard, new colleagues must be trained, employees’ careers must be supported, new laws and regulations must be complied with and safe, healthy and sustainable working is essential. Take a look at some customer cases.

Making eLearning practical and recognisable, that’s what we do


Splintt is a pleasant and professional company and very capable of converting learning questions into high quality E-learning. The Splintt staff is very knowledgeable, driven and approachable.

Peter de Roos
Senior trainer/ consultant H2K


“With the subject and market knowledge from Toxic and the didactic knowledge and experience with learning snacks from Splintt, together we have created an e-learning we are proud of.”

Maaike de Koning
Coordinator Toxic – Sdu Publishers


“Working with Splintt is not only professional, but a joy.
They make fantastic online courses, including around Safety, and 5S”.

Jacques Hartman
Senior Vice President CEVA Logistics

Possible learning solutions

Are you looking for an eLearning solution that seamlessly connects to your organization, topic and target group?

Our learning solutions:

100% customization

At 100% customization everything is developed on the basis of a concept. With this, a learning solution fits seamlessly. We do this for ASML, Franciscus and Toxic Sdu, among others.

50% customization

At 50% customization we use templates and formats in which we incorporate course material. Which saves time and costs. We do this for Bronkhorst, BTE Beton and H2K, among others.


With content libraries, our Toxic Sdu and H2K online offer various ready-made eLearnings. For example in the field of fire safety and safe working with hazardous substances.


Video learning

With video learning your participants can learn with film, interactive video stories and animations. We did this for CRH, Bouwmaat and ASML, among others.

Virtual Reality

Great for showing hard to reach locations or practicing conversations. We do this for H2K, among others.

Learning Platform LMS

Our user-friendly learning platform Philpaper can be quickly deployed to make eLearning materials available online.

Learning portals & landing pages

If you want a customized entrance for your participants, we will design and build a website or portal.

are you looking for something similar, but for your situation?

contact us