eLearning for the public sector
We convert knowledge into accessible online learning resources.
Train online
Our clients in the public sector often have a very dispersed target group to which they want to transfer knowledge. It can be a target group that works within the (semi) government itself, but it can also be target groups outside the public domain, such as citizens.
This requires a specialised approach. Our online learning solutions and method of distribution and tracking are entirely geared towards this complexity.
Examples of projects
Help2Protect: Insider Threat Prevention
European Commission
Digitisation within the government
Animals & Crime
National Police
Strong Airport
City of Haarlem
Training protocol
Police Academy
Induction programme
Public Ministry
Publication Act
Ministry of Internal Affairs – KOOP
ThatsIP - intellectual property
What we make
We develop custom online learning solutions. The better the solution fits the practice, the better people learn and remember.
Where possible we use concepts, formats and content we already have. There is no need to reinvent the wheel and this also saves on costs.
We work closely with content experts from our client’s organisation.
Most requested
- eLearning modules
- learning platform with website
- films & animations
Issues about learning
Knowledge transfer is high on the agenda of our clients within government and semi-government, both at national and European level.
From getting to know the organisation to full induction programmes.
Focused on a policy to be implemented.
New developments of importance to a particular field of expertise.
Serious games
Specific knowledge is transferred via a serious game.
Safe handling of information and privacy legislation.
System training
Training in the use of a system.